Monday, September 1, 2008

fun weekend

We're having some fun this weekend. Son is very into World War 2. In particular, he is interested in the airplanes. We are in a good area to promote this interest. Saturday we drove about 20 minutes down the interstate to visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. It's all inside in the air conditioning!  This is the third SR-71 Blackbird we have seen in a museum.

Sunday afternoon, Annie and Maverick got to go to flyball class. Maverick is making good progress. He is overcoming his issues from coming to us as a rescue dog, and gets braver all the time. He is a fast, athletic little guy. I'm having fun at flyball, but I miss agility. I need to find a way to get back into it here.
Another four foot member of family figured out that if he did something cute maybe he could get into the blog. So here is Bugs, posing as a bibliocat on the half unpacked bookcase. We have a block party later today.  We are looking forward to hanging out with our new neighbors, even though it is pretty hot today. 

To our friends in Louisiana - you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are glued to the Weather Channel. 

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